Welcome to my portfolio. I'm an educator turned Front End Developer.

My name is Marissa and I'm a front end developer! I started out in life as a musician, worked as an elementary band director in public education for seven years, and recently made a career pivot into development. I really enjoy the problem-solving aspect and detail-driven nature of building user-friendly interfaces! Web accessibility and good documentation appeal to my inner teacher, while my instrumental side loves the camaraderie of seeking out advice and differing viewpoints from my teammates. Feel free to poke around my portfolio here, and shoot me an email if I can answer any questions!
Website for personal vlog
I built and deployed the first version of a website dedicated to my personal vlog channel called Neverland Travelers.

Financial Website Remake
Using Figma designs, I recreated a real website for an independent financial advisor.

Fire & Ice Landing Page
After browsing Dribbble, I developed this Icelandic travel landing page and added minor interactivity.

Interested in working together or collaborating on a project? Shoot me a message!
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