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Fire & Ice Landing Page


In order to get more experience working with real designs, I headed to Dribbble. I found a landing page dedicated to Iceland travel, and wanted to build it. Because I only had the Dribbble design, I added my own interactivity. I came up with hovers, some minor Javascript and even built my first image carousel.

Fire & Ice Homepage - Desktop


I built this landing page from scratch. Because I only had a single image to work with, I added some subtle and tasteful extras, including all of the hovers, the blue bars that load when scrolled to (in the Race section), responsiveness, a proper mobile menu, and the image carousel. Enhancements could be to add the selected states for the navigation, a "thank you" modal for submitting the form, and prevent the mobile menu from bumping down the rest of the content, among others.

Languages & Tech

  • HTML
  • Vanilla CSS
  • Vanilla JavaScript
Fire & Ice - Mobile

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